If I could decorate my house in Americana style from May to September I would! 4th of July just might secretively be one of my most favorite holidays. Let's make a super quick and easy d.i.y star garland together!

I typically change up what our giant chalkboard looks like every holiday. The past 9 months (while I was pregnant) I had no energy to climb up on a chair and change it for every season. The last time we did something with it was for Halloween! That's the longest I've ever gone! It was depressing. I was so excited to have this space in our home feel more put together and ready for a celebration.
4th of July might secretively be a favorite holiday of mine. Every year I ponder buying more Americana or Red, White, and Blue items to decorate our home inside and out. There's this lovely lady on Instagram who decorates her home in Red, White, and Blue from May to September to cover Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. I thought that was so neat that I'm slowly starting to do that myself. I can't wait to have a front porch one day and decorate it with American flag bunting, flag pillows, red white and blue flower planters, American flags, thrifty finds, and of course- twinkle lights. Twinkle lights make everything better.
My kids helped me create this D.I.Y. Popsicle Star Garland. This kids painted the Popsicle sticks and I did the hot gluing. We don't want any tiny fingers getting burnt. I chose to do a darker navy color blue vs a bright blue. I'm so glad I did because I personally think it looks better. I then attached them to twine I already had on hand. This only cost us less than $2.00 in supplies (I'm a crafty person and had everything I needed besides the sticks). I LOVE how it turned out!!
Make Your Own
Supplies you'll need:
craft popsicle sticks
jute string/ twine
hot glue gun and glue sticks
acrylic paint/spray paint/craft paint
paint brush

You can find a great tutorial of how to assemble the Popsicle sticks into a star here.
Start by painting each Popsicle stick. You will need 5 sticks for each star. We bought a pack of 50 craft Popsicle sticks and made 10 stars.
Allowing kids to help paint the sticks is a great way to involve them in this craft. This is something younger kids and older kids can do together. They can't really mess it up. Tip: For younger kids, give them one color paint at a time. This way they can not mix paint colors.

It's kinda hard to explain how to assemble the stars, but visually I think you can figure it out. Again, this website has a great tutorial of how to assemble the stars.
Once all stars assembled, put a small dot of hot glue on the back tip of the star and attach the jute string to the back of the star. Remember to space them evenly and follow the pattern you want. We of course went in Red, White, and Blue order.
Adding burlap pendants between the strings, pom-poms, or red white and blue printed strips of fabric would be a cute additional touch to this garland. Make it your own and have fun with it!

Looking For More Patriotic Ideas?
If you're looking for more patriotic ways to celebrate, following our 4th of July Pinterest board, where you can find ideas for crafts, table decor, home decor, and food! Want to recreate a chalkboard like ours? Here's the tutorial and inspiration for chalkboard art I've made in the past.

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