Get a jump start on this year's spring cleaning on Organize Your Home Day!
I don't know about you but cleaning, organizing, and purging my home can be very therapeutic to me! Being organized can balance your life! It can reduce stress and makes you productive in other aspects of your life. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming! Families create a lot of love, but also an endless pile of laundry. I got you covered with my Go To Cleaning Schedule! This schedule has reduced my stressed and given me more time!
*This post may contain Amazon affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link! All opinions, thoughts, and suggestions are my own!*

This holiday was made for us OCD, organizational lovers, and clean freaks! Literally; it's our day to shine! ha. Grab your cleaning supplies, turn up the tunes, and get the family involved!
My Go To Cleaning Schedule
Cleaning a whole house or doing the laundry all at once can be exhausting and time consuming. As a working mom, I felt like I had no time on my days off to just relax. That was until I found the perfect cleaning schedule! This cleaning schedule breaks the tasks down into a couple everyday of the week. Allowing me to feel like I accomplished something for the day, but also gives me plenty of down time with the family!
The Cleaning Schedule + Decluttering Tips

On Monday, you will focus your attention in the bedrooms. Have your kids help out by picking up the dirty laundry and stripping sheets off their beds.
I love that Monday starts off in the bedrooms, because having clean sheets on the first day of the week makes me feel so productive and sleep well.
I love purging my house. I probably do it about 2-3 times a year. Go through old jewelry you don't wear anymore, clothing, decorations, furniture, kids toys, etc. and determine what can be sold or donated.
Decluttering Tip:
If there's one thing I learned over the years from living in smaller homes, it's that you can't have too much stuff. Less is more; okay?! I've become creative with hidden storage in our home. Under every bed we have long storage containers on wheels. This way I can slide them out from the under the bed a little easier. I keep several of them under each bed. One storage container holds bedding. It's there under the bed when I need it for easy access. Another storage container or two, holds our clothing for the off seasons. In the spring, I swap out all my clothing in my closet. Kind of like capsule wardrobes; I put away long sleeve shirts, sweaters, heavier clothing/coats that I am not going to wear and hang up my spring/summer clothes. Hanging your clothes by similar colors can make your closet feel neater and less overwhelming when picking out clothes. This is a good time to purge any clothing items that don't fit or you simply just don't like anymore. Put them in a bag and pass them on! Make a list of items that you need to replace or might need to fill in the gaps of your wardrobe.

On Tuesday, we clean the bathrooms! This should only take you about 15 minutes a bathroom. No big deal, bust it out!
I found out my daughter loves to clean the bathroom. We've been giving her a few new chores and cleaning the toilet is one of her favorites haha.
Laundry is towels! I usually wash towels, throw blankets, and kids blankets on this day!

On Wednesday's we wear pink- duh! It's the kitchens turn to get all dolled up. Clean out the fridge and toss out the leftovers!
Give everything a good wipe down and make it sparkle! A clean kitchen makes for a happy cook! So, whatcha got cooking good looking?
Water Wednesday: My plant babies get fed on Wednesday, because water - w- it's easy to remember. haha. Feed those babies!

Do you see how this is so much easier than trying to do it all in one day? A few tasks each day, 15 minutes max, and you'll feel more productive throughout the week!
The living room gets a quick clean and let's be honest here... I don't even clean this room myself. My children get the job of tiding it up and mom gets to vacuum.
I don't wipe our tv every week, but I will wipe down the Xbox and router weekly.

Every other week, I try to do one or a couple of these tasks. Obviously, I am not going to shampoo my carpets weekly or bi weekly. That's like once a month or once every 3 months.
My daughter loves wiping the baseboards and does a really good job of it! My son likes washing windows and then putting his fingers all over them again.
It's catch up day for laundry! :D

Spread it out and make it fun!
Have a car washing party with the kids! A hot day is perfect for throwing on swim suits and washing cars!
Bribe the kids with a icey treat if they clean up with backyard toys, sweep the deck off, or pull some weeds.
Before you know it, you'll be sipping lemonade in style!
Don't Forget:
Things like doing the dishes, quick tidy ups, taking out the trash, and wiping counter tops can and should be done daily!
My Favorite Amazon Organizational Products:
Here you will find a list of my favorite items to organize my home with by room. I will add to the list as I find more favorites!