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Bringing My Childhood Desk Back to Life

It didn't look like it could be saved but the end results are stunning!

Alright, let's dive into this nightmare piece of furniture. This little desk was mine as a kid and we painted it to match the theme of my bedroom at the time. Which was obviously a confusing theme based on the lilac desk, bright green, light pink, and deep blue drawers with a stained desk top. Yeah... let's not get into it. Long story short- the desk left our house and went to my cousins' daughter. She ended up using some sort of craft paint to "match" and paint over the existing colors, and then some how this little desk made it's way back to me to use for my daughter. I was not aware it would be coming back to me in this kind of shape. * cue deep breaths *

This desk was my first furniture refurbish project.

Lots of sanding later... this desk was finally getting to the point of being able to repaint it. I decided on painting the desk base white. I used interior white paint. I didn't tint it. I just used a base white paint. The top I knew I wanted to stain it again. I liked the look of that at the time. I used a dark walnut stain we had on hand in our shed. The handles I ordered off

The transformation was like night and day. It turned out so good! It made all those hours of sanding worth every second. Flipping a piece of furniture can be so rewarding and such a great easy entry project as you get into diy. It doesn't require many tools at all and can be done in a day or a weekend!

Tools Used for This Project:

  • electric sander/sand paper/sanding blocks

  • interior paint

  • interior stain

  • multipurpose brushes- ones can be used for paint or stain.

  • a old sock or t-shirt - to rub stain on and off

  • painters tape

  • new drawer pulls

  • screw driver

Isn't she G O R G E O U S?!

I did the same thing to the chair that came with it. My daughter absolutely LOVES her desk. From homework to makeup, this desk will be able to grow with all her needs! I'm so glad we brought life back to this piece of furniture.

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