We've been using Natural Cycles exclusively for about two months and going into our third month of preventing pregnancy naturally by using Natural Cycles as our form of birth control!
Natural Cycles via Facebook: photo credit to @tinytwisst
When I began this journey of being taken off birth control by my doctor due to health concerns; my emotions were everywhere! I was concerned, because they told me it wouldn't be smart to get back on birth control after having a blood clots that they weren't sure what may of truly caused it.
You see, I had a major injury to my foot, and was told not to walk on my foot at all for two weeks. Which we later found out caused a blood clot in my leg. Although, I was also taking birth control and my weight doesn't help me out either. I then had to have surgery on my major injury to my foot and a week later I was back in the hospital with 3 major blood clots in my lungs preventing me to breathe.
The doctor took me off birth control immediately and left it up to me to prevent pregnancy in which ever way I felt was best as long as it was not in a hormonal way. I personally have never wanted any form of birth control that is inserted inside of me. That would included rings, IUDS, the bar in your arm, etc. My husband and I went over our options and narrowed it down to just wanting to go along with the pull out method, condoms, and tracking my ovulation and cycles naturally. This is where I then discovered Natural Cycles and thank the heavens I did!
Natural Cycles has guided me and educated me on how to properly track my cycle. I've learned so much about my own body in the last couple months. Natural Cycles is powered by an algorithm that is able to identify your daily fertility status based on your basal body temperature.
You have to be committed to taking your temperature every morning before getting out of bed. If you use to take birth control every morning and can remember to do that, it shouldn't be too difficult to grab the thermometer off your bedside table, and take your temperature before scrolling social media. Basal body temperature is the body’s lowest resting temperature, which is best measured first thing in the morning, just after you’ve woken up.
There is a key link between fertility and body temperature. This is because right after ovulation happens in the menstrual cycle, there is a noticeable rise in basal body
temperature. Each morning, you measure your basal body temperature with a Natural Cycles thermometer! Once you put your temperature into the app, Natural Cycles gives you a red or green day depending on if you’re fertile and can or cannot get pregnant. Green days: You are not fertile and do not need to use protection during intercourse. Red days: You are fertile and should use protection during intercourse. You can also track your moods, cervical mucus, and more right within the app. Every detail helps the app give you the best predictions to identify your ovulation and cycle patterns.
Disclaimer: Natural Cycles is for women 18 years and older and does not protect you from STI's.
My first period after being taken off of birth control was pretty normal. It came on time, lasted the same amount of time as it would as if I was on birth control, but it was way heavier than normal due to being on blood thinners.
The second cycle I had gotten sick a couple days, a cold or allergies, and my temperature was kind of high for two days. I was able to label that temperature for the day as a "sick day" and the app eliminated those temps so it wouldn't mess up the tracking of my ovulation.
Fun Fact: I have two ovaries and only one fallopian tube. During this second cycle my temperatures stayed pretty consistent. Once my period started, the app told me that I did not ovulate that month based on the data entered. This is called an Anovulatory cycle; when an egg is not released. I plan to bring this up at my next OBGYN appt soon. I wonder if the anovulatory cycle has anything to do with my missing fallopian tube. Do my ovaries take turns to ovulate? Does my only ovary with a fallopian tube release eggs monthly or every other month? It's something I look forward to seeing if it repeats this in the future.
As a couple, we love using this app as our form of birth control. Knowing when I ovulate and following the apps guidance, it gives us confidence to be intimate on green days that are safe to be more intimate, and cautious, and more preventative on red days. Overall, it helps us still feel like we can be close and bonded while also knowing we will be okay at the end of the month and not have a accidental pregnancy.
I'm not going to lie! I thought I was pregnant this last month because my periods are always consistent. They always happen every 4 weeks. The app kept telling me I was going to have my next period on the 5th week. I didn't want to believe that. I didn't have my period on the 4th week. I started going into the 5th week without a period. I was not concerned but my husband was. We decided to take a pregnancy test to at least check. It came out negative and I happened to start my period the next evening. haha. It happens every time lol!
Why my period was a week later, I'm not sure. I'm still learning about my body and it's going through a lot of changes lately. Between being ripped off birth control mid cycle, thrown on blood thinners, having a labor intensive job after not doing much of anything for 3 months, and so much more additives, my body is just trying to balance out.

Going forward, I am hoping, praying, and doing what I can in my power to get myself off of blood thinners by July 16th. If I pass all tests and I am cleared to come off blood thinners, I plan to make a OBGYN appt ASAP! I want to sit down and talk with my doctor about my birth control going forward.
As much as I love the idea of being a mom for a third time, I don't think it's in our cards at this time. I was totally okay with only having two kids until all this happened to me this year. When this issue came to light, having a third baby felt like it would be easy to do and an easy way to then have my tubes tide in the end. My heart screams for another baby; while my head constantly tells me you're nuts. I'm so back and forth on it.
My husband doesn't really want more kids and he's made that clear. He doesn't want another child for a few reasons that honestly make a lot of sense. 1.) financially: we aren't really in a place to be take on another child- the doctor bills, the cost of diapers, formula, etc. We could totally find ways to make it work but it would set us back financially some. 2.) I may need a bigger car in the future. For now, I don't see it being an issue. We recently just bought a newer truck and plan to trade my SUV in about a year or two. 3.) He thinks we need a larger home. If we had another baby, he would want that child to have it's own room in about a year or two. We're not in a place to be able to afford to move into a larger 4 bedroom home. 4.) It sets the "clock" back another 5 years. We have reached the stage in life where both kids will be in school all day. Jaxon starts preschool this year, but will go to kindergarten next year. This allows a lot more freedom during the day for me to work//do the things I need to do. 5.) We can travel more easily. Traveling and Vacation is not cheap. We already have plans in the making to go to Disney and that's not cheap. I don't think traveling with a baby is all that hard, but I'm not really the type of person who wants to do it either.
I've also been doing some self reflection and I think for my own personal health, having a third baby is probably not smart. I struggled some with undiagnosed post partum depression and anxiety after both kids. I also had C-sections with both kids and I'm not sure I really want to put my body through a third C-section recovery. I have also become very less patient over time with my own kids and slowly trying to gain control over that again. Financially it would not be smart. We're not really in a place to afford a third baby, buy a bigger house for a third baby, or anything else that may follow that.
I'm just going to let it be in God's hands! If by the grace of God we have a third baby at any point in time from now till whenever; then so be. I will be grateful and love that baby. I can't force something to happen if we're both not in agreeance to allow it to happen.
I have to bring myself back to reality and be thankful for the two babies I was blessed with. We are entering a new phase of life soon, where both children will be in school all day everyday. Aerianna will be in third grade this year and Jaxon will be in preschool. Jaxon will be starting kindergarten next year and going to school all day right along with his sissy. This is something we've been dying to get to for a while.
Honestly, because I need it. I need that small window of the day to be able to go to the gym, or grocery store without kids, clean the house, take a nap, or do anything for my own health. This would help me be the best mom I can when they return home. It will also allow me to be able to work during the day when they are in school and home when they are home. Right now, I work second shift and it works. I'm sure my husband misses me cooking dinner and my kids miss me at bedtime, but it works for now.
I'm not sure what my form of birth control will look like going forward. I'm not sure if I'll try something new, have my tubes tide, or continue having faith that Natural Cycles could work for us long term. I truly think it could with consistent practice of awareness. Whatever happens going forward, I will keep you updated and share what I decided after my next OBGYN appt! Look for the next update post in about a month!
If Natural Cycles sounds right for you or sparks your interest, please use my direct link to Natural Cycles to get 20% off an annual subscription + free thermometer when you use code: JACLYN
How Effective is Natural Cycles
When choosing a birth control method, it's important to understand that there is no birth control method that is 100% effective. When used perfectly, Natural Cycles is 98% effective. Perfect use means not having unprotected sex on red days. Natural Cycles is 93% effective with typical use - which accounts for all possible reasons.
It's safe to say that it is the most effective when the two partners are committed and in agreeance for the same outcome. If you don't want to end up pregnant, you should be practicing safe sex with use of condoms, withdraw, or other barrier methods. You should also consider that mistakes and accidents happen in life.
