"The moment I wake up, before I put on my makeup,
I say a little pray for you..."
and then I take my temperature. My lifestyle has changed so much in the last couple weeks and I am grateful for Natural Cycles, helping to guide us through these changes.
Natural Cycles via Facebook: photo credit to @tinytwisst
Why I'm Going Hormone Free To Prevent Pregnancy
Due to current life events and my health, I was taken off of birth control and put on blood thinners for the next three to six months, to help treat blood clots that formed in my lungs caused by a serious injury I had this year. I was left on my own to figure out how I would prevent pregnancy in a hormone free way for the next few months.
If you haven't been following me on Instagram or reading my latest blog posts, you missed a huge incident that changed my lifestyle. You can catch up by reading this blog post:
There are a few things to consider before switching birth control methods, but it's always a good idea to talk to your healthcare professional before making the switch. I did my research first and discussed our options with my husband. It's important to include your partner too and both be in an agreeance to the changes you want to make. Once I had an idea of what I wanted for myself, I called my doctor to discuss my options, and get approval for what would be my safest option going forward.
Disclaimer: Natural Cycles is for women 18 years and older and does not protect you from STI's.
I personally did not want any form of nonhormonal birth control that would be inserted in my body; such as IUD's. After narrowing down my limited options, I felt that tracking my cycles naturally and knowing when I ovulate would be the best way for us to prevent pregnancy for now.
Consider All Your Options For Hormone Free Birth Control
I started taking birth control at fourteen years old and have been taking the pill for twelve years. I only stopped taking it during two pregnancies. I'm twenty-six years old and honestly I don't want to be on birth control forever. It was never my intentions to be on it for years and years. Luckily, my husband and I both wanted kids young. During my second pregnancy at the age of twenty-two, I considered having my tubes tide after that birth. The thought literally broke my heart and I felt I was too young still to make that decision. I always thought I would have three children, but my husband didn't have intentions to have any more than two. I was afraid I would still want children later and I could only think of the "what if" situations. I couldn't commit and decided to shelf that idea. I would just continue the pill until who knows when.
When I was introduced to birth control at fourteen; it was the pill. I had been taking the pill ever since. It wasn't till more recent years in my early adulthood, that I realized there were so many different types and options for birth control. There is hormonal and hormone free types of birth control. If you want more in depth detail on all the types, I found this doctors' website and blog post very helpful: The Contraceptive Guide.
As I said before, you should always have a discussion with your healthcare professional before making any kind of switch. What's right for one person may not be right for another. I found Dr. Jolene Brighten graphics to be helpful and informative when it came to viewing my options for hormone free birth control options.
Personally, I don't want anything to do with objects inside of me. I am not a fan of IUD's, the risk factors scare me, and the fact that a copper IUD works by releasing copper in my uterus totally turns me off from ever wanting that. You may have success with it or have a different opinion about that. That's great and I am glad it works for you. I personally am not interested. I also firmly believe that you should not force anyone into making a decision about their body to benefit yourself. That being said, if my husband doesn't want a vasectomy, that's okay with me.
That leaves me with condoms, withdraw, track your cycle naturally, and tubal ligation. Sounds like a fun time. Fun as incredibly stressful. We have discussed our options together and ultimately this is my body. I have control and say about my body and what I want for myself. After a discussion with my OBGYN and talking with my husband, we're going to do our best to prevent pregnancy naturally by tracking my cycles. I physically can't come into her office right now due to my foot injury. I am not interested in IUD's either, so there's not too many other options for me.
After discussing with my sister, who has also been successfully tracking her cycles naturally with help from a different app, I thought I would look into finding an app for myself. That's when I discovered Natural Cycles.
I was intrigued by Natural Cycles because they are the first birth control app to be cleared by the FDA. I reached out and teamed up with Natural Cycles to help us navigate this journey. I felt more comfortable choosing this brand, because they are FDA cleared, their app is so informative and educational as you learn to track your cycles, and ovulation to prevent pregnancy. I'm happy to say I am a brand ambassador of Natural Cycles! It’s a great for women looking for a natural and effective alternative to hormonal birth control.

How Natural Cycles Works
It's pretty easy if you ask me! There are few things to know though. There are only certain days of the month you are fertile and can get pregnant so the app is powered by an algorithm that is able to identify your daily fertility status based on your basal body temperature.
You have to be committed to taking your temperature every morning before getting out of bed. If you use to take birth control every morning and can remember to do that, it shouldn't be too difficult to grab the thermometer off your bedside table, and take your temperature before scrolling social media. Basal body temperature is the body’s lowest resting temperature, which is best measured first thing in the morning, just after you’ve woken up.
There is a key link between fertility and body temperature. This is because right after ovulation happens in the menstrual cycle, there is a noticeable rise in basal body
temperature. Each morning, you measure your basal body temperature with a Natural Cycles thermometer! Once you put your temperature into the app, Natural Cycles gives you a red or green day depending on if you’re fertile and can or cannot get pregnant. Green days: You are not fertile and do not need to use protection during intercourse. Red days: You are fertile and should use protection during intercourse. You can also track your moods, cervical mucus, and more right within the app. Every detail helps the app give you the best predictions to identify your ovulation and cycle patterns.
How Effective is Natural Cycles
When choosing a birth control method, it's important to understand that there is no birth control method that is 100% effective. When used perfectly, Natural Cycles is 98% effective. Perfect use means not having unprotected sex on red days. Natural Cycles is 93% effective with typical use - which accounts for all possible reasons.
It's safe to say that it is the most effective when the two partners are committed and in agreeance for the same outcome. If you don't want to end up pregnant, you should be practicing safe sex with use of condoms, withdraw, or other barrier methods. You should also consider that mistakes and accidents happen in life.

Planning Pregnancy
Natural Cycles can also be used to plan pregnancy, when and if you’re ready. The app can be switched from "prevent" to "plan". For more information on how to use Natural Cycles to plan a pregnancy, use this direct link here.
If Natural Cycles sounds right for you or sparks your interest, please use my direct link to Natural Cycles to get 20% off an annual subscription + free thermometer when you use code: JACLYN

My Experience With
Natural Cycles
We've only just begun this journey of preventing pregnancy naturally with help from Natural Cycles. As we keep using it and adding more data to the app, I will come back and give you an update on how it is going.
Our goal is to prevent pregnancy while I'm taking blood thinners for the next three to six months. When my doctor takes me off blood thinners, I have already considered what I would like to see happen as my long term goal.
This decision is based off of previous conversations with my healthcare provider (OBGYN).
I honestly do not see myself wanting to track my cycles for the next 10,15, or 20 years until I have reached menopause. I do believe tracking your cycles is a great option for us short term. Based on the conversation I had with my OBGYN last year, she said it would be safe for me to have one more C-section delivery and then tie my tubes at that time. I would like to try to have a third baby and then tie my tubes after delivery.
Officially closing the doors behind us and ending the chapter of baby-hood. Like I said before, I've always dreamed and longed for a third baby. It's like life or God literally set this all up to force us into reconsidering have one more baby. I'm not mad, but convincing my husband who doesn't want another child and also wants what is best for us in the long run; may be a little difficult. I think when the time comes, he will be more than happy to try for another baby and then tie my tubes.
If you know us, you know that our children have a age gap of four years! I never wanted big age gaps between my kids, but honestly what a blessing it was! My daughter had reached a independent stage and could help me with her baby brother by grabbing things for Mommy. As she got older, she could help out more. Even though I dealt with undiagnosed post-partum anxiety symptoms after having my son and struggled with going back to having a very dependent child again, I believe having one more child will be easier this time around.
Why do I think that?! Timing. If by the grace of God, we get pregnant easily by the end of this year, we would have a child with a age gap of 5 years between our son and 9 years between our daughter. Our son will be in preschool this fall and going to kindergarten next year. Our daughter will be 9 next year, more mature, more helpful, and more reliable. Mom would have plenty of extra hands when everyone is home, but I would also have the peace and quiet for one on one time during the days. I can see it working for us and I am hopeful it happens.
I will continue to update you all on how our experience goes with Natural Cycles, what happens going forward with my health, and if a third pregnancy would potentially happen.

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