Spring is upon us and so are two birthdays for my little spring chicks. We just celebrated my son's birthday this month (March) and my daughters birthday is a short two months away in May. My babies aren't really babies anymore. I thought it be nice to walk down memory lane again and tell their birth stories.

Far From Traditional
My first pregnancy was a little "untraditional". I was pregnant my senior year of high school. I kind of thought it would be traumatic and people would make fun of me for being pregnant. It was the complete opposite. I never once had anyone say anything mean. Overall, I think that went well. I know not every "teen mom" has that experience too often. Also, I hate the term "teen mom". Let's just call me a Young Mother. haha.
I felt so bad, because I took my pregnancy test on my mom's birthday. Something I'm sure she did not plan to do with her daughter that day. I am so thankful that my parents took it all in and chose to be supportive instead of resentful. I was worried they would get mad, yell, lecture, tell me I had to leave my boyfriend, or worse... an abortion. I had no idea how they would handle a "young pregnancy". I'm so blessed to have the parents I do! They helped us in so many ways and celebrated this little life with us.
My first pregnancy was easy! I had no signs or symptoms of being pregnant like most women would and do. I was almost 2.5 months along before I even found out I was pregnant. The rest of the pregnancy was smooth sailing. I did have a few rounds of Braxton Hicks contractions and acid reflux, but nothing too serious. I gained a total of 15lbs by the end of my pregnancy (Dr. suggested I not gain more then that because I was in the overweight category).
Truthfully, I loved being pregnant! It was and has been the only time I could feel 100% confident in my own body. Being overweight most of your life is a challenge. I don't think anyone ever made fun of me for my weight, but my self image is poor. It's always been a challenge for me to except how I look. It's a work in progress to learn how to love yourself through the journey.
Everything was going to plan, except for one minor detail. My daughter was breeched. A breeched baby means the baby is bottom down or feet down first towards the end of pregnancy vs. the head down position. My doctor watched her for a couple weeks and gave us time to see if she would flip on her own. She didn't and with the doctor's guidance we did not forcefully turn the baby. I thought I would be having a natural birth, but looks like I was going to have a C-Section. Becoming a mother was the only thing I knew I for sure wanted out of life. I could not wait to start this new chapter to begin!
Fun Fact: My OBGYN was one of the same doctors my mom had when she was pregnant with me. The same doctor that delivered me was still an OB at the time when I was pregnant with my daughter. Also, my OB was my absolute favorite doctor and we're so sad he retired after my second child's birth.
Relieved But Terrified
I had been worried the entire pregnancy of what to except with a natural birth. I was prepared for it, but I was relieved when they told me I was having a C-Section instead of a natural birth. I was glad I didn't have to go through the pain of delivery, but I was TERRIFIED of being awake during a surgery.
My C-section was scheduled within a week before my due date. Funny how some things fall into place. We got to schedule my C-section for May 21st. Aaron's birthday is April 21st. We thought it was so cool that our daughter and him would be 1 month apart and share the same birth date number.
Surgeries were nothing new to me. I had plenty while I went through my cancer. A surgery is a walk in the park at this point. Although, a surgery while your awake terrified the crap out of me. I understood that I would have an epidural before hand. That would block all feeling from the waist down. I wouldn't be able to feel anything they were doing. My boyfriend (now husband) would be able to sit next to my head and keep me calm. I would be able to see her as soon as she was born. Nothing could of prepared me for what actually happened.
Aerianna's Birth Day
We arrived at the hospital bright and early. My surgery was scheduled for 9am and we arrived around 6:30-7am. Both of our parents and my sister came up to wait for my daughters arrival. Everything was going as planned. Aaron got dressed in scrubs and was ready to go back with me. He hates hospitals, needles, and blood. He was such a trooper and brave to set all his fears aside. We didn't know he would have to wait in the hallway while they wheeled me in first to do the epidural. That kind of made me anxious and nervous.

They proceeded with the epidural and shortly after Aaron should of been allowed in. Things were moving fast and the doctor did a 'poke test'. I'm not sure what they used to see if you are numb, but I felt it! I FELT IT! I felt whatever they did, not just a pressure sensation. I FLIPPED OUT! I told them, "STOP! Stop I can feel that". They questioned me, "You can feel that? Cause you shouldn't." I respond, "YES I CAN FEEL THAT! DON'T CUT!"
Immediately, as soon as they opened the doors for Aaron to come in, they closed them and told him he couldn't. I was afraid and didn't get to say 'see you soon'. He was confused and scared, because this wasn't suppose to happen. Aaron said they never told him why he couldn't go in exactly, just that I had to be put to sleep. The nurses didn't tell him why.
While I was put to sleep and they delivered our daughter, my parents and his parents convinced him to leave the hospital and go across the street to have breakfast. He didn't eat. He didn't talk. He wanted to be back at the hospital. He didn't want to be that far away from me. They weren't gone long and he was back in time to meet our daughter. He was allowed to walk in the OR and see her. He told me he never looked over at the operating table, because he wouldn't of been able to handle that.

Aerianna Rosalynn was born on May 21st, 2013. She was 6lbs 6oz and 19 inches long. A head full of hair and gorgeous hazel green eyes. I was so happy she wasn't born with my brown eyes. I prayed the whole pregnancy that my baby wouldn't get brown eyes. I have brown and have always wanted blue. Aaron has a blue/green color eyes. I slowly woke up back in my room and asked Aaron where she was. Holding her was everything I hoped it to be. I was so in love with this little one. She was an extremely easy baby and slept through the night since day one. What a blessing that was, because as a new mom it gave me the chance to adjust to this new way of life.

Things Happen For A Reason
While I was in surgery, the doctors checked my uterus and stuff before sewing me back up. I never in a million years thought I would be told this bazar news. I never thought having a C-Section would of saved my daughters life.
The doctor discovered that my uterus is not an upside down pear/triangle shape, but my uterus is oval. An oval shaped uterus allows less room for the growing baby to rotate and flip into the head down position. That's why she was breeched and couldn't turn over. OH, but that's never all with me. They also discovered that I have both ovaries, but I only have one fallopian tube. I only have one?! They proceeded to tell me that my chances of ever getting pregnant was a 50/50 chance. They were surprised that I got pregnant so easily the first time (and later on again surprised I got pregnant a second time).
If my daughter was in the head down position, never had been breeched, and proceeded to have a natural birth, it would of ended a lot differently. Due to the oval shape uterus, the doctor told me, in a natural birth the baby would have gotten stuck in the birth canal. The baby could of suffocated during child birth and more then likely ended in an emergency C-Section. The outcome could of looked a lot different and possibly a lot less happy.
Recovery & Motherhood
You know what's funny? I'm pretty sure you could ask any women what their first meal was after birth and they can remember it to a T! I had my daughter around 9am and didn't get anything to eat until way into the afternoon. My first meal was a Wendy's Summer Berry Salad and a French fry. I was obsessed with Wendy's salads that year and have been ever since. The fresh strawberries, blueberries, grilled chicken, and blue cheese with raspberry dressing tasted like heaven!
What I hated most after the C-Section was being told to get out of bed and walk around. Like how?! It was HARD! I needed so much help from everyone. I needed help getting out of bed, sitting down on the toilet, and walking around. After a week or so, it got easier to do all these things myself.
I Wish I Did This Differently
There's one thing I wish I could of done differently. Not only with my daughters birth, but even with my sons birth too. I may of been young with my daughters birth, but that didn't stop me from having a baby shower and doing all the things. The only thing I didn't do and really wish I had done differently was, maternity photos. Professional Maternity Photos. I took my own photos of my stomach every week. I have that to look back on, but I see friends and girls I went to school with that have these AMAZING professional photos done while they were pregnant. Gorgeous photos of them! I wish I had photos like that to look back on or display in my home.
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